Friday, April 26, 2013

Sophie and Sally on Easter

Here are some pictures for grandparents to enjoy.  The girls got two sets of Easter dresses this year!  They looked adorable in both.  Happy (late) Easter!


  1. Holly -- Your girls are adorable!! Praying for you daily!!

  2. Oh my goodness! They are so beautiful, and growing up so quickly! Sophie looks like a little girl now, instead of a toddler! I have been told that Sally looks like me, but I never saw it until now...I think she has my "smiling" eyes! Are those fancy dresses the ones Julia sent you? They are so pretty! But I especially love getting to see them in the ones I chose for them. I looove the little pink bloomers with Sally's! PRECIOUS pictures! Thank you for posting!

    1. Yes, those are from Julia. I actually just realized that Sally reminds me of you after looking at these pictures. And I think Sophie is looking more like me now than she used to.

  3. btw, Sally's hair looks so cute fixed like that.
